84 Additional Meat Cows That Ate Radioactive Hay Already Shipped to 5 Prefectures

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, July 15, 2011

In one case, the rice hay that the cows ate had 500,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium.

Professor Kosako's "chaotic harvest season" must be now.

84 more meat cows from Fukushima that ate highly radioactive hay were discovered by Fukushima Prefecture, as the prefectural government started to test rice hay fed to the cows.

From Mainichi Shinbun Japanese (2:41PM JST 7/16/2011):

Fukushima Prefecture announced on July 16 that 84 additional meat cows that had been fed the potentially radioactive rice hay were shipped inside Fukushima, and to Tokyo, Saitama, Yamagata, and Miyagi Prefectures.

 福島県によると、出荷した畜産農家はいずれも県内で、▽郡山市2軒▽喜多方市2軒▽相馬市1軒--の計5軒。このうち郡山市の農家に残っていた稲 わらから1キロ当たり50万ベクレルの放射性セシウムを検出した。ほかに、相馬市で12万3000ベクレル、喜多方市で3万9000ベクレルの値だった。

According to the Fukushima prefectural government, the cattle farms were located in Koriyama City (2 farms), Kitakata City (2 farms) and Soma City (1 farm). The rice hay from one farm in Koriyama City tested 500,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium. In the farm in Soma City, the hay had 123,000 becquerels/kg cesium, and in Kitakata, 39,000 becquerels/kg.

These cities are much further away from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant than Minami-Soma City, where the first case of radioactive beef was traced back.

Distance and direction from Fukushima I Nuke Plant:

  • Koriyama City: 60 kilometers, west

  • Kitakata City: 105 kilometers, west by northwest

  • Soma City: 43 kilometers, north

If the rice hay left on the rice fields accumulated that much radioactivity, particularly in Koriyama, it is definitely not fit for humans to remain. Not to mention the rice field is not fit for growing rice, though it is far too late, as the rice fields in Tohoku are already long planted.